日子过得多快,冯牧同志已经离开我们十年了。但是我们忘不了他, 觉得他像是依然生活在云南,在我们身边,和我们一起在为新的云南而奋斗着。他1919年生于北京,读书时参加了“一二九”学生运动,加入了党的外围组织——民族解放先锋队,进行反日爱国活动。1937年日寇占领北平后,抓捕爱国人士,他在党的关怀下,于1939年秘密离开北平,经晋察冀抗日根据地到达延安,先在抗大学习,后到鲁迅艺术学院,成为高材生。毕业后任《解放日报》副刊编辑,1946年解放战争开始,国民党军队准备进攻延安,他以新华总社记者名义到山西省吕梁军区部队采访。当时我们太岳纵队正奉中央军委命令,来到吕梁军区配合王震将军部队,扫荡陕甘宁边区东边敌军,以保卫延安。冯牧同志来到我们部队采访,战后随我们到太岳区写作。
The days flies, Comrade Feng Mu has left us for ten years. However, we can not forget him and think he still lives in Yunnan, beside us, and we are fighting for the new Yunnan. Born in Beijing in 1919, he participated in the “January 29th” student movement and joined the party’s periphery organization, the National Liberation Front, in his anti-Japanese patriotic activities. After the Japanese invaded Peiping in 1937, they arrested the patriots. Under the care of the party, he left Peiping secretly in 1939 and arrived in Yan’an via Jin-Cha-Ji Anti-Japanese Base Area. He studied first at the Anti-Japanese University and then at the Lu Xun Art Institute and became a top student . After graduation as “Jiefang Daily” supplement editor, the Liberation War in 1946, the KMT army ready to attack Yan’an, he Xinhua News Agency reporters to the Lvliang military forces in Shanxi Province interview. At that time, we Taihu column is being ordered by the Central Military Commission, came to Luliang Military District with General Wang Zhen forces, raiding the east of Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia border to defend Yan’an. Comrade Feng Mu came to our army to interview and after the war we went to Taiyue District to write.