Flow Characteristics of Crude Oil with High Water Fraction during Non-heating Gathering and Transpor

来源 :中国炼油与石油化工(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaorongqing
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In order to ensure the safety of the non-heating gathering and transportation processes for high water fraction crude oil, the effect of temperature, water fraction, and flow rate on the flow characteristics of crude oil with high water fraction was studied in a flow experimental system of the X Oilfield. Four distinct flow patterns were identified by the photographic and local sampling techniques. Especially, three new flow patterns were found to occur below the pour point of crude oil, including EW/O&W stratified flow with gel deposition, EW/O&W intermittent flow with gel deposition, and water single-phase flow with gel deposition. Moreover, two characteristic temperatures, at which the change rate of pressure drop had changed obviously, were found during the change of pressure drop. The characteristic temperature of thefirst congestion of gel deposition in the pipeline was determined to be the safe temperature for the non-heating gathering and transportation of high water cut crude oil, while the pressure drop reached the peak at this temperature. An empirical formula for the safe temperature was established for oil-water flow with high water fraction/low fluid production rate. The results can serve as a guide for the safe operation of the non-heating gathering and transportation of crude oil in high water fraction oilfields.
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北京,景山后街,米粮库胡同,越过巷口的部队大院,树荫浓绿,一片宁静。  邓小平一家1977年迁居于此。在其后的第一个10年里,这位倡导实事求是的政治家,带领中国勇敢地脱离了计划经济的教条,向市场与计划兼备的创造性体制摸索前行。  第二个10年,他不停地将社会思潮从“左”或右的边缘拉回——这个“小个子”竭尽全力,稳定了中华人民共和国成立后最高速的发展阶段,又推动改革开放的车轮隆隆前行。  毫无疑问,