这里介绍的几篇作品在赫拉巴尔的创作中颇具代表性。中篇小说《过于喧嚣的孤独》(samota,1989)和短篇小说《中魔的人们》均为作者的名篇。前者写一个废品收购站老打包工对知识的渴求和对人类文化横遭摧残的痛惜。后者为同名短篇小说集《中魔的人们》(1964)中的一篇。这本小说集为作者独特的创作风格奠定了基础,从此人们提到赫拉巴尔就必然会联系他的这本小说集和这篇小说。猫在赫拉巴尔的小说中是一个经常被着意描写的宠物。作者写猫从未把猫人格化,而是通过猫的命运折射人生在世的遭际和荣辱浮沉。《露倩卡和巴芙琳娜》(Lucinka )便是这样一篇小说,译自赫拉巴尔的短篇小说选《人们的谈话》(Hovory 1984)。除小说之外,赫拉巴尔还写了两本以回忆、随感和答记者问为主要内容的散文集:《自己增加的家庭作业》(1982)和《不穿礼服的生活( bez smokingu,1986)。为了帮助读者更多地了解这位作家,译者从两书中选译了作者谈文艺观点和创作体会的一些段落,集成一篇,冠以《论创作》为题。
The few works presented here are very representative of Herbar’s writing. The novella samota (1989) and the short story Nemesis are all authors. The former wrote a waste recycling station old contractor thirst for knowledge and depravity of human culture has been depraved. The latter is the same eponymous collection of “people in the devil” (1964). This novel collection lays the foundation for the author’s unique style of creation, and since then people have mentioned that Herbalah will inevitably contact his collection of novels and the novel. Cats in Herbar’s novels are pets that are often purposely described. The author wrote that cats have never been humanized by cats. Instead, they reflect the lifetimes and the ups and downs of life through the fate of cats. One of Lucinka’s novels is Hurley’s short story “Hovory (1984).” In addition to the novel, Herabar also wrote two essays focused on memories, pragmatics and answerer questions: “Own homework assignments” (1982) and “Doz smokingu” (1986) ). In order to help the readers know more about the writer, the translator chooses some passages from the two books about the author’s point of view on literature and art and some of his own experiences in writing. He integrates an article titled “On Creation”.