尽管人们对严重营养不良患儿的病理生理学及治疗的认识不断加深,但50年来平均病死率却几乎一直维持在20%~26%。作者制定了一种治疗严重营养不良腹泻患儿急性期的标准化方案,评估了此方案在降低病死率方面的有效性。病人与方法 将治疗严重营养不良腹泻患儿的传统方法与标...
Despite increasing awareness of the pathophysiology and treatment of children with severe malnutrition, the average case-fatality rate has remained almost 20% to 26% for almost 50 years. The authors developed a standardized protocol for the acute phase of severe malnutrition diarrhea in children and evaluated the effectiveness of this strategy in reducing mortality. Patients and methods will treat children with severe malnutrition diarrhea, the traditional methods and ...