1—6月份实现销售解放卡车63065辆,超额完成上半年任务,同比增长率达14.3%,完成全年销售任务59.5%。 截至6月30日统计,一汽贸易总公司上半年解放卡车累计销售达63065辆,超额完成上半年任务,同比增长率达14.3%,完成全年解放卡车销售任务59.5%。一汽集团公司总经理竺延风高兴地下令奖励一汽贸易总公司,以激励他们在下半年工作中再接再厉。 2000年伊始,一汽贸易总公司解放卡车销售就呈现出良好的态势,中、重型卡车因质量的提高和技术的不断改进、创新,而深受用户的欢迎和喜爱,来自全国各地的广大用户踊跃购买解放卡车,使一汽解放卡车出现了热销的场面;尤其是3、4月份,解放CA3160自卸车等产品出现了供不应求、需交预付款购车的喜人景象,自3月份始,
From January to June, the company achieved sales of 63,065 liberation trucks, overfulfilling the first half of the year’s tasks, with a year-on-year growth rate of 14.3%, and completed sales of 59.5% of the annual sales. As of June 30, total sales of trucks liberated by FAW Trade Corporation in the first half of the year amounted to 63,065, exceeding the first half of the year’s total tasks, with a year-on-year growth rate of 14.3%, and fulfilling 59.5% of the year’s liberation truck sales tasks. Wu Yanfeng, general manager of FAW Group Corporation, was pleased to award the FAW Trading Corporation with an order to motivate them to continue their work in the second half of the year. Since the beginning of 2000, the liberation truck sales of FAW Trading Corp. have shown a good trend. Due to the improvement of quality and the continuous improvement and innovation of technology, FAW Trade Corporation has been welcomed and loved by users. Users from all over the country are enthusiastic about it. The purchase of liberation trucks made the FAW Jiefang trucks have a hot scene; especially in March and April, the liberation of CA3160 dump trucks and other products had a gratifying scene in which supply was in short supply and prepayments were needed to purchase cars. Since March,