在国内踏板车领域,雅马哈是当之无愧的领军品牌,旗下众多车款在摩市呼风唤雨,占据行业的制高点。在125m L级车型中,雅马哈的“鹰”系列最受车迷的喜爱,“凌鹰”、“迅鹰”等车型所取得的成就有目共睹。现在,全新“赛鹰”重装上阵,摩坛风云再起……赛道之芯“赛鹰”的全名为CYGNUS GT,GT则是Grand Tourer的简写,意为豪华旅行车。一款小排量踏板车如此定位,自然有其独到之处。全新开发的SOHC两气门单缸发动机,绝非同类机型可比—采用高性能铝
In the field of domestic scooters, Yamaha is a well-deserved leader brand, many of its cars in the motorcycle market, occupy the commanding height of the industry. In the 125m L-class models, Yamaha’s “Eagle” series most loved by fans, “Ling Ying ”, “Eagle ” and other models of the achievements made obvious to all. Now, the new “race eagles ” reloading battlefield comeback ... ... the core of the track “race eagle ” full name CYGNUS GT, GT is the abbreviation of Grand Tourer, meaning luxury wagon. A small displacement scooters so positioned, of course, has its own uniqueness. The newly developed SOHC two-valve single-cylinder engine, by no means comparable to similar models - the use of high-performance aluminum