【摘 要】
In 1971 M. J. S. Dewar put forward, for the calculation of substituent constants, a method namely Field-Mesomerism-Mesomeric Field(FMMF) in which the screening
In 1971 M. J. S. Dewar put forward, for the calculation of substituent constants, a method namely Field-Mesomerism-Mesomeric Field(FMMF) in which the screening factor of the far end of a dipole is arbitrarily assigned a uniform value 0.9. However, in calculation of the constant for Flourine substituent in aprotic solvent other values has to be adopted for the factor, we hold that the field effect should depend both on the nature
In 1971 MJS Dewar put forward, for the calculation of constants, a method of Field-Mesomerism-Mesomeric Field (FMMF) in which the screening factor of the far end of a dipole is arbitrarily assigned a uniform value of 0.9. However, in calculation of the constant for Flourine substituent in aprotic solvent other values has to be adopted for the factor, we hold that the field effect should depend both on the nature
本文报告了用热管炉反应器研究电子跃迁化学发光反应的实验研究结果。 Na+CCl_4反应产生电子激发态的C_2~*,实验获得了C_2~*(d~3∏_g—a~3∏_u)的高分辨的光谱,由转动光谱分
丹派武功的内容 武当丹派武功,随着历代传人的悟道与衍化,武功内容有所扩充。九代传人宋唯一不但精武当剑、太极拳,还擅长八卦掌等武功。据先师杨公传言,宋公十八岁时,曾去
1 Medieine 内科 H了pertensio”高血环P:Not that 1 ean reu,。mber.P.I‘et terrible headaehes.我不记得有过. 我头痛得厉害.N:What kind ott:eatn,ent did youN:W石e皿d