莫里斯·德吕翁(Maurice Druon)是当代法国著名作家。1918年生于巴黎,曾获中学会考优胜奖,后在政治学院攻读。1940年入骑兵学校,1942年加入戴高乐领导的自由法国部队。1943年,同其舅父约瑟夫·凯赛尔一起,为“游击队之歌”作词,并担任随军记者。1946年开始大量发表作品,第一部作品《最后的军旅》(1946)是个战争故事。接着,他以《人的结局》为名,写了一套巴尔扎克式的长篇连环小说:《大家族》
Maurice Druon is a famous contemporary French writer. Born in Paris in 1918, won the winning syllabus of the High School and later studied at the Political Institute. 1940 into the cavalry school, in 1942 to join de Gaulle-led free French troops. In 1943, together with his uncle Joseph Keser, he wrote the song “Guerrillas” and served as a journalist with the army. A large number of published works began in 1946, the first work “The Last Brigade” (1946) is a war story. Then, in the name of “The End of Man,” he wrote a Balzac-type, long-range serial novel: The Great Family