The final report in this paper describes space-efficient high-efficiency injection quadrature field-amplifier. It serves as the output stage for a geostationary satellite that broadcasts amplitude modulated television signals at a power level of 5 kilowatts and a frequency of 2 gigahertz. The design emphasizes the maximum total efficiency and life expectancy of at least two years. Experimental and analytical studies were conducted with different Karp slow wave wires. The computer's small and large signal analysis results are used to find the best interaction efficiency for narrow (30 MHz) band applications. Based on large signal interaction studies, the use of electron energy distribution to study multi-stage buck collector. For the output amplifier stage, using an orthogonal field of interaction, the total efficiency is over 80%. In order to make the device more efficient, this article reviews several measures to improve efficiency. Phase focusing and negative and slow wave line pre-clustering are two special techniques. Using both techniques results in amplification tube efficiencies greater than 85%.