随着公路建设快速发展,原《公路沥青路面施工技术规范》已跟不上公路建设的需要,为适应新的要求制定了《公路沥青路面施工技术规范》(JTG F40-2004)。新《规范》完善了沥青混合料配合比设计方法,调整了马歇尔试验配合比设计方法及设计指标、标准,修订了确定最佳沥青用量的方法和技术要求,统一了空隙率的体积指标的计算方法,修订并补充了沥青混合料配合比设计检验方法和技术要求。下面就以S201线克榆改建工程第七合同段路面工程为例,浅析沥青混合料配合比设计及检验方法。
With the rapid development of highway construction, the original “Technical Specifications for Asphalt Pavement Construction” can not keep up with the needs of highway construction. In order to meet the new requirements, “Technical Specifications for Construction of Highway Asphalt Pavements” (JTG F40-2004) have been formulated. The new “Code” perfected asphalt mixture mix design method, adjusted Marshall test mix design method and design indicators, standards, revised the method to determine the best asphalt dosage and technical requirements, the unified calculation of the volumetric porosity index Method, revised and supplemented asphalt mixture mix design test methods and technical requirements. The following to S201 Line Keyu reconstruction project seventh contract pavement project as an example, analysis of asphalt mix design and test methods.