从天然产物中分离、鉴定具有杀虫活性的化合物,并以这些化合物为“模板”进行人工合成,筛选出高效、经济、安全的害虫控制剂,是农药新品种开发的重要途径。最负盛名的例子是溴氰菊酯等一系列拟除虫菊酯类高效杀虫剂的成功开发。 近年来,我国对植物质杀虫剂苦皮藤Celastrus angulata Max.进行了较深入的研究,取得重大进展。笔者等从昆虫毒理学的角度研究了苦皮藤对一些主要农业害虫的作用方式,并成功地进行了菜青虫、玉米象和米象的防治试验。笔者在美国农业部农业研究中心进修期间,在M.Jacobson,N.Wakabayashi,R.E.Redfern等协助下,又从植物化学的角度,研究了苦皮藤的有效成份,并分离出一种对昆虫具有高度拒食作用的新化合物,现将这方面结果作简要报道。
Isolation and identification of compounds with insecticidal activity from natural products and the synthetic synthesis of these compounds as “templates” to screen efficient, economical and safe pest control agents are important ways for the development of new pesticide varieties. The most prestigious example is the successful development of a series of pyrethroids insecticides, such as deltamethrin. In recent years, China has conducted a thorough study on the plant-based insecticide Celastrus angulata Max., And made significant progress. The author from the perspective of insect toxicology study bitter vine on some major agricultural pests mode of action, and successfully conducted Pieris rapae, corn and rice elephant prevention and control tests. During the study period of the USDA Agricultural Research Center, with the help of M. Jacobson, N.Wakabayashi, RERedfern and others, the author studied the active constituents of bitterpeter from the perspective of phytochemistry, High antifeedant effect of new compounds, the results of this are now briefly reported.