在复发期和缓解期儿童急性淋巴细胞白血病(A-LL)的治疗中,防治感染是一个需要认真对待的问题。感染的发生除了主要因为粒细胞减少之外,粒细胞功能上的缺损也是原因之一。为此,作者对20例1~14岁 ALL 缓解期的中性粒细胞功能作了研究,并以20名健康成人作为对照。患儿经4周的强的松、长春新碱治疗和门冬酰胺酶巩固治疗以后,均获得诱导缓解,并继续进行再诱导治疗。测定粒细胞功能的方法采用 Tan 等测定杀菌力的
In the treatment of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (A-LL) during relapse and remission, the prevention and treatment of infection is a serious problem. In addition to the occurrence of infection, granulocytopenia is one of the reasons for the loss of granulocyte function. To this end, the authors studied the neutrophil function of 20 patients aged 1 to 14 years who had ALL during remission, and used 20 healthy adults as controls. After 4 weeks of treatment with prednisone, vincristine, and asparaginase for consolidation, all patients received induction of remission and continued reinduction. The method for determining the function of granulocytes uses Tan et al. to measure bactericidal power.