市场营销的关键是要培养一支过硬的人才队伍.而“搭建优秀人才成长舞台.打造销售精锐之师”则是销售系统做强做大的必由之路。 2006年1月13日至14日.中国石油冀东销售公司机关竞聘大会在3800名干部员工的热切瞩目中拉开了序幕。经过赛前的认真准备和严格审查.120名优秀人才对机关70个管理岗位展开了激烈竞争。
The key to marketing is to train an excellent talent team. And “build a talented person to grow up stage.” To create the elite sales division "is the only way to expand sales force system. January 13-14, 2006 PetroChina Jidong sales company agency competition in the 3800 cadres and employees of the intense attention kicked off. After careful preparation and strict examination before the game. 120 talented people fierce competition for 70 management positions in the agency.