一个时期以来,多家报刊相继发表了一些对《大众电影》百花奖的批评和建议。对此,作为百花奖的主办者,我们的态度,一是欢迎,二是重视。 众所周知,百花奖自1962年创办至今,已有20届了。从六十年代的百花初绽,到十年浩劫的凄风苦雨,再到八十年代的万紫千红。可以说,百花奖的命运始终和中国电影的命运连在一起;她的历史,就是中国电影发展历程的一段缩影。同样,随着九十年代的中国电影走入低谷,百花奖也日趋式微,人们在思索如何振兴中国电影的同时,把“百花奖能否再度辉煌”作为一个话题,也是顺理成章。我们十分欣慰地看到,在各媒介发
Since a period of time, many newspapers and magazines have published some criticisms and suggestions on the “Popular Movie” Hundred Flowers Award. In this regard, as the sponsor of the Hundred Flowers Award, our attitude is first of all welcome, and secondly attention. As we all know, the Flower Award since its establishment in 1962, has been 20. From the early blooms of the sixties to the devastation of ten years of sad trials and tribulations, and then to the colorful of the eighties. It can be said that the fate of the Flower Award has always been linked with the fate of Chinese cinema; her history is a microcosm of the development of Chinese cinema. Similarly, as Chinese films in the 1990s went into a downturn, the Hundred Flowers Awards are becoming smaller and smaller. It is also logical that people should think of how to rejuvenate Chinese films as a topic of whether the Hundred Flowers Award can be resplendent again. We are very pleased to see that in various media