Time: November 10, 2009 Venue: Editorial Department of Art Observer Participants: Lv Pintian The original editor of the journal, the incumbent editor in chief of China Arts and Craft Museum, Li Yi, editor in chief Zhao Quanli, deputy chief editor, Yang Bin journal column presided over the Department of Gu Quan, column in charge of Wang Hongyuan published in this section column presided over Xu Peijun published in this column column Mengzui Wei published in this column column Zhuzhuo special articles column chair one, expressed to the world, “Chinese art concept” Li Yi: Fine Arts The concept of art is the basic idea of art. To discuss the concept of art in China, we must first consider China’s position, China’s perspective, the spirit of China and the attitude of China. Contemporary Chinese art view, not the repetition of the ancient art view. Ancient and ancient