
来源 :南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ohngahng
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基于福建、浙江和江西3个毛竹主产省8县192个农户毛竹种植地块投入产出数据,通过构建投入产出生产函数模型,定量分析了要素投入对毛竹林产出(竹材与竹笋)的影响,并在此基础上就不同区域与立地条件下毛竹林经营的经济效益进行了对比分析。结果表明:1用工投入成本与立地条件对毛竹成林后产出有显著的正面影响。平均而言,当期用工投入成本每增加1%,竹笋产值、竹材产值与总产值分别提高1.874%、0.492%和0.714%;优等地的单位面积竹笋产值、竹材产值、总产值分别比劣等地的高429%、29.7%和49.0%;中等地的分别比劣等地的高24.5%、29.2%和27.2%。2当期肥料投入对成林后毛竹林竹笋产值与总产值有显著的促进作用,而对竹材产值的影响并不显著。3不同区域之间毛竹经营的投入产出关系存在明显差异,在其他条件相同的情况下,不同县市之间毛竹经营投入产出有较大差异,这可能与不同地区之间毛竹经营的自然条件与经营技术存在较大的差异有关。4从单位面积毛竹林经营净效益指标来看,在当前市场和生产技术条件下,不同立地条件下毛竹林地经营效益有较明显的差异,而不同地区之间的差异并不明显。最后,从增加农户收入来看,应积极发展笋用毛竹林经营,但需要注重经营过程中的生态保护。 Based on input and output data of 192 bamboo farms in 8 counties of Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangxi Provinces, the input-output production function model was used to quantitatively analyze the effects of key inputs on the output of bamboo forests (bamboo and bamboo shoots) On the basis of which, the economic benefits of the management of Moso bamboo forests under different regions and site conditions were compared and analyzed. The results showed that: (1) labor input costs and site conditions had a significant positive effect on the yield of bamboo forest. On average, the output value of bamboo shoots increased by 1.874%, 0.492% and 0.714% respectively for every 1% increase in the labor input cost of the current period. The output value of bamboo shoots per unit area, bamboo output value and total output value were respectively superior 429%, 29.7% and 49.0% higher than the middle ground, respectively, 24.5%, 29.2% and 27.2% higher than the inferior. The current input of fertilizer had significant effect on the bamboo shoot output and the total output value of Moso bamboo forest after forestation, but had no significant effect on bamboo output value. There are obvious differences in the input-output relationship between Phyllostachys pubescens between different regions. Under other conditions, there is a big difference in input-output of Phyllostachys pubescens between different counties, which may be related to the natural Conditions and business technology there is a big difference between. According to the net benefit index of Moso bamboo forest per unit area, under the current market and production technology, there are obvious differences in management benefit of Phyllostachys pubescens forest under different site conditions, while the differences between different areas are not obvious. Finally, from the perspective of increasing farmers’ income, bamboo shoots should be actively managed for bamboo shoots, but ecological protection in the course of operation should be emphasized.
<正> 下腰痛十分常见,据统计,80%的人一生中至少患一次下腰痛。导致下腰痛的原因众多,其发病机制也相当复杂。既往,临床医生在诊治下腰痛时多注重脊柱本身的问题,如椎间盘、