漯河市在改革创新中阔步前进 人物篇:数风流人物 还看漯河

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人民,是历史的创造者,也是社会的主宰者。漯河人杰地灵,英才辈出,流传着许多典故和传说,诸如孔子思归、孔子问十、汉献帝禅位曹丕、岳飞郾城大捷、杨再兴小商桥之战等。史有东汉著名的经学家、文字学家、训诂学家许慎,刚正不阿的东汉名士范滂,明代重臣贾咏,带领台湾人民抗击法国侵略的陈星聚,开国少将苏进、吉合、赵晓舟,抗日英雄赴伊坪,在对越自卫反击战中,被中央军委授予“战斗英雄”称号的李海欣等,都被传为佳话。漯河市在现代化建设的道路上,涌现出的先进典型人物更是枚不胜举。在他们中间,有运筹帷幄、高瞻远瞩的决策者;有长年奋斗在生产建设一线、无私奉献的普通工人;有刻苦钻研、大胆革新的科技工作者;有敢立潮头、锐意改革的国企管理者;有自强自立、带头致富的民营企业家……他们在不同历史时期和不同工作岗位上,为漯河的辉煌做出了卓越贡献。他们的精神正激励着漯河人民为明天的更加辉煌奋进。 The people are the creators of history and the masters of society. Luohe old times, outstanding talent, many allusions and legends circulating, such as Confucius thought of returning home, Confucius asked ten, Han Xian Di Zhuang Cao Pi, Yue Fei Xuncheng victory, Yang Zaixing small business bridge battle. History of Eastern Han dynasties famous scholar, philologist, exegete scientist Xu Shen, fame of the Eastern Han Dynasty celebrities Fan, the Ming Dynasty heavy minister Jia Yong, led the people of Taiwan against the French invasion of Chen Xingju, the founding of the Soviet Union, Kyrgyzstan, Zhao Xiaozhou, anti-Japanese Heroes go to Yiping, in the Vietnam self-defense counterattack in the war, was awarded by the Central Military Commission “Heroes ” title Li Haixin, etc., have been passed as a story. Luohe City in the modernization of the road, the emergence of advanced typical characters is endless. Among them, there are strategists and forward-looking policymakers; ordinary workers who have been struggling for years in production and construction and selfless dedication; scientific and technological workers who study hard and make bold innovations; state-owned managers who dare to stand on the forefront and who are determined to reform ; Have self-reliance and take the lead in getting rich private entrepreneurs ... ... They have made outstanding contributions to the brilliant Luohe in different historical periods and different positions. Their spirit is inspiring Luohe people to strive for more brilliant tomorrow.
1997年7月20日,一架大韩航空公司的波音747-300型客机,在太平洋中的美国关岛机场附近失事。机上254人中,有225人遇难,只有29人幸免。究竟是什么原因造成此次悲 On July 20,
单位:元人民币┏━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━━━━━━┓┃ ┃ ┃ 销售价格 ┃┃配件编号 ┃ 配件名称 ┃ ┃┃ ┃ ┣━━━━━┳━━
夏天很热 ,自古皆然。但热过了头 ,就成了热灾。河流径流量减少 ,通航受阻 ,水力发电量减少 ;森林、草原、草甸区域频发大火 ;大区域热旱 ,影响农作物生长 ,粮食产量大幅度下