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语文是一门与时代紧密结合的学科。美国教育家华特指出:“语文的外延与生活的外延相等。”因此,让语文教学和时代背景相结合进行生活化的、与时俱进的教学有着重要的意义。与此同时,随着人类进步的发展和现代信息技术的突飞猛进,改变传统教学方式,将以计算机为中心的多媒体信息技术运用在教学领域成为一种势在必行的趋势。 Language is a discipline closely integrated with the times. Walter, an American educator, pointed out: “The extension of Chinese is equal to the extension of life.” Therefore, it is of great significance to integrate Chinese teaching and the background of the times to make life more advanced with the teaching. At the same time, with the development of human progress and the rapid development of modern information technology, changing the traditional teaching methods has made computer-centered multimedia information technology an inevitable trend in the field of teaching.
(贵州省凯里市第六幼儿园)  摘 要:幼儿园的班角色区域材料投放是开启幼儿游戏乐园的大门,幼儿阶段正是对未知社会充满好奇的一个阶段,作为一位幼儿园老师,我们要做到的就是合理地投放材料来帮助幼儿的身心发展。区域活动正是幼儿通过对材料的选择、认识、操作来促进自身对社会认知力的一种途径,投放丰富、可塑、有趣的材料是开展班角色游戏的前提,合理的选择和恰当的投放是幼儿开展游戏的重要保障。  关键词:材料;选