
来源 :广西城镇建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wjbbio
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倾斜的建筑给人的感觉是反传统、反重力的,有些建筑师采用独特的倾斜设计建筑,不仅仅只为了视觉上的有趣,而是在基本需求都满足时再做地标性的突破设计。建筑师们总会有各种出乎我们意料的天马行空的想法,其中不乏那些能让人们屏住呼吸、难以置信的建筑结构。荷兰建筑师埃·布鲁姆(Piet Blom)设计的这个异想天开的建筑——方块 Tilting buildings give a person an impression that is anti-traditional and anti-gravity. Some architects use a unique tilt design to create buildings that are not only visually appealing, but landmark-based breakthrough designs that meet the basic needs. Architects always have ideas that are beyond our imagination, and there are plenty of incredible architectural structures that allow people to hold their breaths. The whimsical architecture designed by Dutch architect Piet Blom - the box