为了使汤剂中的熟地不泥膈碍胃,有采用少量砂仁与其共捣入煎的传统方法。余经多年实践,改用苍术与熟地同捣,效果则更胜一筹。 笔者认为,砂仁虽能芳香醒脾,然运脾之力远不及苍术。血亏阴虚之人,中运必弱,如代之以苍术与熟地同捣,乃使熟地补血滋阴而不碍中焦之运化。熟地与苍术的配比,一般是3:1~2:1,视具体病症和患者素质而定。如治一王姓妇,36岁,素质孱弱,三年前流产失血过多,嗣后又未加调治,虚羸益甚,面无血色,形瘦神疲,腰酸乏力,
In order to make the remedies in the decoction not muddy, there is a traditional method of using a small amount of Amomi to co-decorate it. After many years of practice, I switched to using the technique and rehearsal peers, the effect is even better. I believe that although Amomum can awaken the spleen, but the power of the spleen is far less than the herb. People with a deficiency of blood deficiency will be weak in transportation. If they are using herbs and rehabilitated fields, they will make the remedy of blood nourishing yin without impeding the transportation of medium-sized coke. The ratio of rehmannia to atractylodes is generally 3:1 to 2:1, depending on the specific conditions and patient quality. Such as the rule of a surname Wang woman, 36 years old, poor quality, three years ago, abortion excessive blood loss, then did not increase treatment after treatment, imaginary benefits even, no white face, thin thin Shenpi, backache weak,