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美国去年已报告190例Reye’s综合征。该综合征是一种严重疾病,通常在患流感或水痘之后发生,而服用阿斯匹林发病率明显增加,两者有显著的相关性。本综合征开始有严重的呕吐,有时还伴头痛、发热,同时迅速发展到惊厥和昏迷,病死率达26%,存活者亦常有脑部损害。 The United States last year reported 190 cases of Reye’s syndrome. The syndrome is a serious disease that usually occurs after a flu or chickenpox, while the incidence of aspirin is significantly increased with a significant correlation between the two. The syndrome started with severe vomiting, and sometimes accompanied by headache, fever, rapid development to convulsions and coma, the mortality rate of 26%, survivors often have brain damage.
目的 建立颅咽管瘤(CP)动物模型,鉴定移植瘤的性质.方法收集人脑颅咽管瘤组织,异种异位移植到BALB/c-nu/nu裸小鼠皮下,观察移植瘤的组织学特点,并应用免疫组化法鉴定肿瘤性质.结果12例颅咽管瘤手术标本先后接种在24只BALB/c-nu/nu裸小鼠双侧腋部皮下形成48个移植组织块,成功建立了10只动物模型,成活19个肿瘤组织块.总的移植成功率为39.58%,釉质上皮型为58.33%,鳞形乳