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张伟最近特别烦闷,自从离开了原来的公司,自立炉灶做经销后,摸爬滚打了四年多,虽然将年销售额做到了近千万,可是公司的管理问题越来越大,尤其是最近,好像一下子全冒了出来:从原公司带过来的老部下现在都自认为是功臣,不做事还老抢别人的功劳,人员越来越不好管了;近几个月仓库里丢了10多箱啤酒,到现在还没查出是谁偷的,仓库报的破损率也莫名其妙地越来越大;随着经营的产品越来越多,经常出现有的产品 Zhang Wei recently particularly bored, since leaving the original company, independent stove to do distribution, fought for more than four years, although the annual sales to nearly 10 million, but the management of the company is more and more large, especially Recently, it seems like all of a sudden all came out: the old company brought over from the original company now think they are heroic, not doing things but also grab other people's credit, the staff is getting worse; in recent months the warehouse Lost more than 10 boxes of beer, to now have not yet found out who stole the damage reported by the warehouse also inexplicably growing; with the management of more and more products, often there are some products
Scar,by various reasons,especially in face,is an important topic for aesthetic plastic surgery.Although the doctor has himself opinion in the clinical,but on t
The treatment of late facial paralysis is numerous,the result is still not satisfactory.Recently,we heve used the pectoralis minor muscle with anastomosis of b
患者,女,16岁。因左下门牙■长期萌出不全而就诊。检查:■稍唇侧牙龈有4个“牙尖”破龈,中间有龈组织,呈花瓣状,未见正常■切缘。摄■牙 X 线片:■存在,近中切角侧向■根颈
“存在还是死去,这是一个问题”——对于丝宝集团的决策者来说,旗下的个人护理品品牌柏兰正面对这样的抉择。胡经理刚刚结束了一个在21楼的 “Existence or death, this is