人们一直关注勘查地球化学(即化探)方法能否适用于以固体形式赋存于孔隙沉积地层中的水合物介质。从水合物地质学和水合物勘探地震学提供的烃类物质微渗漏的事实、水合物化探自身理论和国际ODP204航次水合物钻井样品的地球化学分析结果以及南海水合物研究区的化探实践 3个方面探讨并阐述了勘查地球化学方法在水合物勘查中的适用性, 化探方法能够从海底沉积物的痕量化学组分的分布上追踪水合物存在的有利证据。
There has been interest in investigating whether geochemical (ie, geochemical) exploration methods can be applied to hydrate media that occur as solid forms in pore-deposited formations. The fact of hydrocarbon leaking from hydrate geology and hydrate exploration seismology, the theory of hydrate geochemistry and the geochemical analysis results of the international ODP 204 voyage hydrate drilling sample, and the geochemical exploration of the South China Sea hydrate research area Three aspects discussed and explained the applicability of the exploration geochemical methods in hydrate exploration, and the geochemical exploration method can trace the favorable evidence of hydrate existence from the distribution of trace chemical components in the seabed sediments.