
来源 :现代预防医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mingdongbn
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目的观察甲亢131碘治疗后早发甲减患者甲状腺功能的变化。方法①Graves病甲亢行131I治疗后6月内出现甲低的患者206例,男67例,女139例,根据甲功三项(FT3、FT4、TSH)随访分成两组。暂发甲低组:甲功恢复正常或甲亢。永久甲低组:需左旋甲状腺素替代治疗。②治疗前测定甲状腺功能、甲状腺吸131I率和甲状腺显像。131I治疗剂量(MBq)=甲状腺质量(g)×每克甲状腺给予的剂量/甲状腺24 h吸131I率(%)。③用SPSS14.0统计软件,分别计算两组甲低发生率;两组年龄,病程,治疗前甲状腺大小,甲状腺功能(FT3,FT4,TSH,TGA,MCA),甲状腺吸131I率,每克甲状腺131I剂量、131I总剂量比较用t检验,P﹤0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果①206例早发性甲低患者中,暂发甲低组:55例,占26.7%;永久性甲低组:151例,占73.3%;②两组比较年龄,病程,甲状腺大小,治疗前甲状腺功能,甲状腺吸碘功能,每克甲状腺剂量、总剂量差异均无统计学意义(P﹥0.05)。结论早发甲低患者大多数可能成为永久性甲低,早发甲低的转归不能预测。甲亢131碘治疗后应监测甲状腺功能,长期随访。 Objective To observe the changes of thyroid function in patients with early hypothyroidism after 131I treatment of hyperthyroidism. Methods ① Graves disease hyperthyroidism line 131I after treatment within 6 months, there are 206 cases of hypothyroidism, 67 males and 139 females, according to the three functions of thyroid (FT3, FT4, TSH) were divided into two groups. Temporary low arm: Jia Gong returned to normal or hyperthyroidism. A permanent low group: L-thyroid hormone replacement therapy is required. ② Determination of thyroid function before treatment, 131I thyroid suction rate and thyroid imaging. 131I therapeutic dose (MBq) = thyroid mass (g) x dose administered per gram of thyroid / 131I rate (%) of thyroid 24 h. ③The incidence of hypothyroidism in both groups was calculated by SPSS14.0 statistical software. The age, course of disease, thyroid size before treatment, thyroid function (FT3, FT4, TSH, TGA, MCA) 131I dose, total dose of 131I compared with t test, P <0.05 for the difference was statistically significant. Results ① Among the 206 patients with early-onset hypothyroidism, 55 cases were transient hypothyroidism, accounting for 26.7%; 151 cases were permanent hypothyroidism, accounting for 73.3%; ② The age, course of disease, thyroid size, Thyroid function, thyroid function of iodine uptake, per gram of thyroid dose, total dose differences were not statistically significant (P> 0.05). Conclusions Most patients with early hypothyroidism may become permanent hypothyroidism, and the prognosis of early hypothyroidism can not be predicted. Thyroid function should be monitored after hyperthyroidism 131 iodine treatment, long-term follow-up.
闺蜜每次聊起老公,都是一脸恨铁不成钢的表情:“我为他生儿育女,为他耗尽了青春,他怎么能那么对我呢?”  闺蜜和老公是异地恋,为了和心爱的人在一起,她不顾父母的强烈反对,辞了家乡的工作,到了老公所住的城市。结婚以后,两个人生儿育女,一起经营小家,日子过得还算红火。但是,不知何时开始,闺蜜的怨气越来越重。  老公周末想出去钓鱼,闺蜜想让他陪自己逛街,两个人为此争执不下,闺蜜气得哭鼻子抹眼泪:“我跟你一
期页 发展与综述1997:俯瞰电子世界······································……12,97电子世界大事记··············