坚尼草(Panicum maximum Jacq.)又名大黍、羊草、几内亚草,原产于非洲,现在印度、斯里兰卡、印尼、澳大利亚和美国南部都有栽培。据悉,我国早于30年代由岭南大学农学院引进并在该校种植。目前,在广州地区已形成逸生状态。广西、福建、海南等地也相继引种栽培。特征特性坚尼草是禾本科稷属多年生草本植物,须根系发达,有短根茎。茎直立、丛生,通常7~8节。株高一般约1米,高者
Panicum maximum Jacq., Also known as Millet, Leymus chinensis, Guinea bush, native to Africa, is now cultivated in India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Australia and the southern United States. It is reported that as early as the 1930s, Lingnan University Agronomy College introduced and planted in the school. At present, Guangzhou has formed a comfortable state. Guangxi, Fujian, Hainan and other places have also introduced cultivation. Features Kenny grass is a gramineae genus perennial herb, fibrous roots developed, short rhizomes. Stems erect, tufted, usually 7 to 8 nodes. Plant height is generally about 1 meter high