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皇侃《论语义疏》是今存唯一一部南朝“义疏体”著作。与魏晋以前的注释著作不同,它在文章体式及文本结构上都有着鲜明的特点,这些特点在诠释学上也有着特殊的意义。与章句、训说、注、义说等解经体式不同的是,义疏体汇集众家注释,兼释经文与注文,并且保留有问答的形式,这就提高了解经者的地位和自由度,提升了“注”的重要性,也拓展了《论语》的意义生成空间。同时,《论语义疏》又有着经文、注文、疏文层层相裹的三重结构,这种结构特点使得《论语》原有的文本意义与后人注疏的意义相互渗透,也展现出其意义的历史生长性。 Huang Kan “On semantic thinning” is the only one of the Southern Dynasties “righteous body ” works. Different from the annotated works before the Wei and Jin dynasties, it has distinctive characteristics in text style and text structure. These features also have special significance in hermeneutics. Different from the Buddhist scriptures, the exegesis, the notes and the righteous precepts, the meanings of the Buddhist scriptures are collected together with the annotations and annotated forms, which enhances the status and freedom of the Buddhist scripturers Degree, raised the importance of “Note ”, also expanded the space of meaning generation of “The Analects”. At the same time, there is a triple structure of scriptures, annotations, and sparse texts in the discourse of the semantic meaning. This structural feature makes the original textual meanings of the Analects infiltrate the meanings of the annotation of the future generations and also shows its Meaning of historical growth.
一、重要商品流通宏观调控的现状 自1988年底提出建立商品流通宏观调控体系以来,经过二年多的探索和努力,商品流通宏观调控工作有了一定的进展,取得了一些成效,基本状况是:
When classmates meet again after school breaks , we would talk about our vacations, and share the beautiful places we have been and the interesting things we ha
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日前,四川预师副政委兼绵阳高炮团第一政委、绵阳市委副书记、常务副市长蒋仁富同志回到新落成的营区办公,研究解决了困扰部队训练、办公和生活的“三大难题”。 Recently,
初次到北疆煤城双鸭山采访,我有幸见到了百货大厦的年轻总经理王贵清。他迎着改革的大潮以抖雄风的气质和开拓经营辟蹊径和策略,使企业方兴未艾,独领风骚。 王贵清,这位牡丹