杂而有章 动静结合

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中华全国新闻工作者协会国内工作部九月间举行座谈会,讨论如何在报纸上正确地有目的地传播知识的问题。参加这次座谈的,有人民日报、大公报、中国青年报、中国少年报、北京晚报、科学技术协会等单位的同志。下边发表的是其中几个同志的发言记要。 The All-China Federation of Journalists’ Work Department held a symposium in September to discuss how to properly and purposefully disseminate knowledge in newspapers. Those who participated in the symposium were: People’s Daily, Ta Kung Pao, China Youth Daily, China Youth Daily, Beijing Evening News, Science and Technology Association, and other comrades. The following is a statement made by several of the comrades.
桃是我国最古老的果树之一,属于蔷薇科(Rosaceae)桃亚属(Amygdalus Prunus persica ( L.) Batsch.)果树,生长遍及南北半球温带地区。其果实属于呼吸跃变型,在发育与成熟过程