一、微课的定义及作用1.微课的定义:微课是指利用5~10 min时间来讲解一个非常碎片化的知识点、考点、例题、作业题或教学经验的一种微视频。例如,氧气是化学里的一个重要知识点,其中实验室制取氧气的方法是学习的重点,而高锰酸钾制取氧气是重中之重。因此,选用微视频讲解这个知识点(包括实验原理、实验步骤、实验注意事项和实验现象等),就是微课了。2.微课的作用:微课的作用在于启惑、解惑而非授
First, the definition and role of micro-class 1. Micro-class definition: micro-class is the use of 5 ~ 10 min time to explain a very fragmented knowledge points, test sites, sample questions, assignments or teaching experience of a micro-video. For example, oxygen is an important point in chemistry. Among them, laboratory methods of making oxygen are the focus of study. However, potassium permanganate is the most important method of making oxygen. Therefore, the choice of micro-video to explain this knowledge point (including experimental principles, experimental steps, experimental considerations and experimental phenomena, etc.), is a micro class. 2. The role of micro-class: micro-class role is to enlightenment, but not to confuse the grant