长期以来,跑步锻炼成为各年龄段人士普遍参加的运动项目之一。因为人们一直认为跑步是提高健康水平,改善新陈代谢,防治疾病,加速病后机能恢复的有效方法,而且跑步锻炼简便易行,不需要借助任何大的设施、器械,并且能有效地锻炼大肌肉群。殊不知,跑步还是一项潜在的有害性运动,而且近年来因跑步致伤的事例正在不断增加。 跑步过程中肌肉、肌腱因受到强力牵拉刺激,不断增强。地面反作用力也以相当于体重250%~300%的力量垂直作用于人体。以一个人步幅为4.5英尺为例,则1英里要走1175步,以受到的地面反作用力为
For a long time, running exercise has become one of the sports items commonly attended by people of all ages. Because people always think running is an effective way to improve the health level, improve the metabolism, prevent and cure the disease and accelerate the recovery of the post-illness function, and the running exercise is simple and easy, without using any large facilities and instruments, and can effectively exercise the large muscle groups . As everyone knows, running is a potentially harmful sport, and examples of injuries caused by running in recent years are on the rise. During running, the muscles and tendons are strongly stimulated and constantly stimulated. The ground reaction force is also equivalent to the weight of 250% to 300% of the vertical force on the human body. Taking a step of 4.5 feet for one person, for example, you have 1175 steps to go in one mile and the ground reaction force you receive is