由于小儿呼吸道自身的特点 ,呼吸道感染成为小儿科最常见的疾病。许多患儿因感染经临床治疗后 ,全身情况良好 ,肺部罗音消失 ,体温正常。但仍时有咳嗽 ,咽痒咳痰 ,在夜间体位变动和清晨起床中加剧。迁延难愈 ,临床用药棘手 ,疗效不显。笔者近几年来用针罐加超短波对其进行康复
Due to the characteristics of pediatric respiratory tract itself, respiratory infections have become the most common pediatric disease. Many children with clinical infection by infection, the general condition is good, lung rales disappeared, body temperature is normal. However, cough, throat, expectoration and sputum are still present, which aggravate during nighttime changes in body position and wake up early in the morning. Delayed refractory, clinical medication difficult, curative effect is not significant. In recent years, I use needle cans plus ultra-shortwave to their rehabilitation