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如今端午节已经演变成市民眼里出游、休息的小长假,吃粽子成了不少市民端午仅有的主题,他们对端午节真正的过法和文化内涵知之甚少,甚至完全不知。这个曾极富传统文化气息的节日在商业喧嚣中逐渐黯淡,让端午等传统节日回归质朴迫在眉睫。【现象】端午节等于吃粽子+小长假“你的端午节是怎么度过的呢?”有媒体发起了关于端午节民俗习惯的调查,结果显示,93.2%的受访者认为在端午节吃粽子是必不可少的事。除了吃粽子,赛龙舟是人们最耳熟能 Today, the Dragon Boat Festival has evolved into the public’s eyes travel, a small holiday break, eating dumplings has become the only theme of many people Dragon Boat Festival, Dragon Boat Festival they know the true method and cultural connotation little, if not at all. This traditional cultural festival has gradually dimmed the commercial noise, making the immortality of traditional festivals such as the Dragon Boat Festival come to an end. [Phenomenon] Dragon Boat Festival is equivalent to eating dumplings + small holiday “Your Dragon Boat Festival is how to spend?” Some media launched a survey on the Dragon Boat Festival folk customs, the results showed that 93.2% of respondents believe that in the Dragon Boat Festival Eat dumplings is essential. In addition to eating dumplings, dragon boat race is most familiar to people