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《聊斋》中的狐狸精,多有深明大义者,尤以封三娘为甚。故事是这么“演义”的,有一年正月十五,某位官家小姐范十一娘到寺庙游玩,结识了狐妖封三娘,两人成为闺蜜。毋宁说她们都极度孤独,难得有一个倾诉心肠的伙伴。古时,女子一般都是寂寞的。尤其是到了宋代以后,礼法名教的条条框框把众多佳人禁锢在闺房,不到特殊时日,如古代的狂欢节——上元正月十五,她们很难迈出大门。尤其是裹了小脚,更是行动不便。贫家女子也就罢了,她们出门的机会相对来说还是多一些, “Liao Zhai” in the fox, there are many deep-righteous people, especially Feng Sannv said. The story is so “romance ”, the fifteenth day of the year, a lady Fan ten hometown to the temple to play, met the fox demon seal San Niang, the two became girlfriends. Rather, they are extremely lonely, rare to have a heartfelt partner. In ancient times, women are generally lonely. Especially after the Song Dynasty, the rules and regulations of Etiquette and Morality imprisoned many beautiful women in less than a special time, such as the ancient carnival - the first lunar month of the first year, which made it difficult for them to take the door. Especially wrapped in a small leg, it is more mobile. Poor women also fills them, the opportunity to go out is still relatively speaking,
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中考作文,不管怎样文体不限,记叙文依然是更多学生的首选。假如我们在追求立意高远、选材新颖的基础上,在具体构思上能"多 In the test composition, no matter what the st
Love comes through the eyes that see,  And through the ears that hear,  For people are quite beautiful,  And words make feelings clear.    Love comes through the hands that touch,  With unabashed affe
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