
来源 :唐山文学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liaotianeryi2
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在崇尚理性和女子贞操的大时代洪流中,蒲松龄反其道而行,塑造了一系列敢于冲破礼教束缚,大胆追求爱情、文化、经济权利的女性形象,具有进步意义。但其女性观并未完全超脱时代,仍保留有大量封建残余思想,比如看重子嗣和女子的忠贞,向往妻妾和谐局面。其进步因素成因有齐文化的女性品质的传统、与下层人民广泛的接触、理学禁欲压迫下的反抗以及家庭优秀女性的影响,而其封建残余思想则是由阶级与时代的局限性所决定的,因此是不可避免的。总体观之,蒲松龄女性观的落后因素掩不住进步的光芒。 In the torrent of times advocating rationality and the virginity of the virginity, Pu Songling formed a series of female images that dared to break through the limitations of ethics and education and boldly pursued the love, culture and economic rights. This is of progressive significance. However, the concept of women did not completely transcend the era, still retains a large number of feudal remnants of thought, such as the value of children and women’s loyalty, longing for concubine concubine. The causes of its progressive factors are Qi culture’s tradition of women’s quality, extensive contact with the lower people, resistance under the suppression of abstinence and the influence of excellent women in the family. The remnants of the feudalism are determined by the limitations of the class and the times , So it is inevitable. On the whole, the backward factors of Pu Songling’s female view can not conceal the light of progress.