朗盛公司是全球著名的特殊化学品生产商之一,其生产的氧化铁颜料广泛应用于涂料、建材、陶瓷和油墨等领域。《涂料技术与文摘》在2010中国国际涂料展上专访了朗盛上海颜料有限公司总经理、亚太区无机颜料业务部副总裁余文广博士(Dr.Wolfgang Oehlert)。
LANXESS is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of specialty chemicals, and its production of iron oxide pigments are widely used in coatings, building materials, ceramics and inks. Coatings Technology & Digest interviewed Dr. Wolfgang Oehlert, general manager of LANXESS Shanghai Pigments Co., Ltd. and vice president of Asia Pacific Inorganic Pigments at the 2010 China International Coatings Fair.