80年代,神州大地掀起改革大潮,千帆竞发,百舸争流。大潮中,海伦市第二塑料厂犹如一艘超载的小舟,颠簸飘摇,时刻有倾覆的危险。 1987年,翻开二塑的帐页: 历史挂帐235万元;亏损额13.19万元;产品积压270万元。为了抹掉二塑的“负号”,历届厂长费尽心机,终未如愿。然而王洪义租赁企业短短二年,居然奇迹般地消除了这个企业耻辱的标记。 1988年:实现利润20万元;处理历史挂帐70万元。 1989年:实现利税104.1万元;处理历史挂帐80万元;固定资产增值20万元。二塑枯木逢春,一跃成为市财政的一个重要支柱企业。
In the 1980s, the vast land of China set off a tide of reform, with thousands of sails competed for the race. Tide, Helun City, the second plastic factory like an overloaded boat, bumpy, always at risk of capsizing. In 1987, opened two plastic accounts page: history hangs 2.35 million yuan; loss of 131.9 thousand yuan; product backlog 2.7 million. In order to erase the two plastic “negative sign”, the previous director exhausted his energy, eventually failed. However, Wang Hongyi rental business just two years, actually miraculously eliminate the stigma of this enterprise. 1988: 200,000 yuan profit; deal with the history of 700,000 yuan. 1989: 1.041 million yuan of profits and taxes; 800,000 yuan of historical accounts, and 200,000 yuan of fixed assets. Two plastic dead wood every spring, has become an important pillar of municipal finance enterprises.