An ELISA Based on a Truncated Soluble ORF2 Protein for the Detection of PCV2 Antibodies in Domestic

来源 :中国病毒学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:myoooo
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Postweaning multisystemie wasting syndrome (PMWS) is an important swine disease that is closely associated with porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2). The capsid protein (Cap protein) is a major structural protein that has at least three immunoreactive regions, and it can be a suitable candidate antigen for detecting the specific antibodies of a PCV2 infection. In the present study, an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (TcELISA)based on a truncated soluble Cap protein produced in Escherichia coli (E.coli) was established and validated for the diagnostic PCV2 antibodies in swine. The TcELISA was validated by comparison with an indirect immunofluorescence assay (IIFA). The diagnostic sensitivity (DSN), specificity (DSP), and accuracy of the TcELISA were 88.6%, 90.7% and 89.4%, respectively. The agreement rate was 89.38% between results obtained with TcELISA and IIFA on 113 field sera. A cross-reactivity assay showed that the method was PCV2-specific by comparison with other sera of viral disease. Therefore ,the TcELISA will be helpful for the development of a reliable serology diagnostic test for large scale detection of PCV2 antibodies and for the evaluation of vaccine against PCV2 in swine.
Hilar cholangiocarcinoma still has a poor prognosis and a relatively low 5-year survival rate despite improvement of the resection rate and curative resection r
病例:患者男,68岁,因"门静脉高压2年余,脾切除术后2周余,发热1周"入院.患者40年前曾诊断为慢性乙型肝炎,ALT>1000 U/L,中药保肝治疗3年余后肝功能恢复正常,之后未再复查肝炎