可待因和马来酸氯苯那敏(扑尔敏)复方(Tuzistra XR)是一种缓释口服混悬液,前者是阿片受体激动剂,可镇咳;后者是组胺H1受体拮抗剂,用于缓解成人咳嗽症状和上呼吸道过敏或普通感冒。12 h口服1次,不受进食影响。不适用于<18岁扁桃体切除术和腺样增殖切除术后的患者,对两药之一过敏的患者禁用。作为受控的处方药,可待因能产生吗啡类药物依赖性,不宜滥用。服用具有呼吸抑制作用的阿片类药物患者慎用此药。因
Codeine and the maleate chlorpheniramine (Tuzistra XR) is a sustained-release oral suspension, the former is an opioid receptor agonist, antitussive; the latter is histamine H1 by Body antagonists, used to relieve cough and adult upper respiratory tract allergies or common cold. 12 h orally 1 times, not affected by eating. Does not apply to <18 years after tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy patients, one of the two drugs in patients with allergies disabled. As a controlled prescription drug, codeine can produce morphine dependence and should not be abused. Patients taking opioids with respiratory depression are advised to use this medicine with caution. because