作者在牙买加粪类圆线虫流行地区以13名临床参考病例(reference case)为中心,对他们的家庭及邻居进行了流行病学调查。 13个调查点中的9个位于城市,4个在农村。调查对象是有参考病例的家庭成员以及用来做距离分布研究的对照即距病例最近的4个邻居家庭成员。共计调查45个家庭的312名成员。调查内容包括问卷收集社会经
The authors conducted an epidemiological survey of their families and their neighbors in 13 endemic reference cases in Jamaica’s endemic area of C. elegans. Nine of the 13 survey sites are located in the city and four in the countryside. Respondents were family members with reference cases and controls used for distance distribution studies, ie, the 4 neighbors of the family members closest to the case. A total of 312 members of 45 families were surveyed. The survey included questionnaires to collect social studies