“八五”期间,高州市农机局认真贯彻执行省提出的“解放思想,转变职能,立足服务,兴办实业,增强活力,发展农机”的工作方针,全市农机化事业呈现出蓬勃发展的态势。 1。农业机械总动力迅猛发展。考核农村综合实力主要指标的农业机械总动力,“八五”期末已发展到237 789千瓦,比“七五”净增
During the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period, Gaozhou Municipal Bureau of Agricultural Machinery conscientiously implemented the working guideline of “emancipating the mind, changing functions, based on service, setting up industries, strengthening vitality, and developing agricultural machinery” put forward by the implementation province. The agricultural mechanization in the city showed a vigorous development trend. 1. The total power of agricultural machinery is growing rapidly. The total power of agricultural machinery, the main indicator for assessing the overall strength of rural areas, has reached 237,789 kilowatts by the end of the “Eighth Five-Year Plan”, a net increase over the “Seventh Five-Year Plan”