Fracture analyses of different pre-holed concrete specimens under compression

来源 :Acta Mechanica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq969023319
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Crack propagation processes in specially prepared concrete discs and rectangular specimens containing a single cylindrical hole or multiple holes of varying diameters have been studied both experimentally and numerically.In this research, the cracks coalescence paths in Brazilian disc and rectangular specimens made from rock-like material containing multi-holes are investigated. These concrete specimens are specially prepared from an appropriate mixture of Portland Pozzolana Cement(PPC), fine sands, and water.The pre-holed Brazilian discs and rectangular specimens are experimentally tested under compression. The breakage load in the ring type disc specimens containing an axial hole with varying diameters is measured and the distribution of the induced lateral stress is obtained. The mechanism of cracks propagation in the wall of the ring type specimens is also studied. In the case of multi-hole Brazilian disc and rectangular specimens, the cracks propagation and cracks coalescence are also investigated. These experiments are numerically modeled by a modified higher order displacement discontinuity method. It has been shown that the corresponding experimental and numerical results are in good agreement with each other. The results presented in this research validate the accuracy and applicability of these crack analyses procedures. Crack propagation processes in specially prepared concrete discs and rectangular specimens containing a single cylindrical hole or multiple holes of varying diameters have been studied both experimentally and numerically.In this research, the cracks coalescence paths in Brazilian disc and rectangular specimens made from rock-like material These multi-holes are investigated. These concrete types are prepared from an appropriate mixture of Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC), fine sands, and water. The pre-holed Brazilian discs and rectangular specimens are experimentally tested under compression. The breakage load in the ring type disc specimens containing an axial hole with varying diameters is measured and the distribution of the induced lateral stress is obtained. The mechanism of cracks propagation in the wall of the ring type specimens is also studied. In the case of multi-hole Brazilian disc and rectangular specimens, the cracks propagation and cracks coalescence are also investigated. These experiments are numerically modeled by a modified higher order displacement discontinuity method. It has been shown that the corresponding experimental and numerical results are in good agreement with each other. The results presented in this research validate the accuracy and applicability of these cracks. analyses procedures.
本刊讯 宁波市人才开发服务中心卫生系统人事代理中心于 2 0 0 1年 3月 16日正式成立 ,这标志着市卫生系统人事制度改革又迈出了实质性的一步。代理中心将对市级医疗单位新
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★关于统计体制改革问题。 这个小组的讨论由章国荣同志主持,3个半小时的时间被充分利用。代表们就体制改革这个由来以久的话题再次展开了热烈的讨论。所不同是,这次的话题