在外交部档案馆解密的档案中,有一份特殊的“生日礼品单”——《我国祝贺斯大林70寿辰(贺信、礼品单)》。 1949年12月21日,是斯大林70岁的寿辰。12月6日,毛泽东踏上北上的专列,第一次跨出国门。毛泽东极其重视这次莫斯科之行,对所带寿礼做了特别研究。究竟送了些什么礼物,民间一直传说得沸沸扬扬。外交部公开档案中的《我国祝贺斯大林70寿辰(贺信、礼品单)》为我们揭开了历史真相。
In the files decrypted by the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there is a special “birthday gift list” - “Our country congratulates Stalin on its 70th birthday (letter of congratulation and gift list).” December 21, 1949 is the 70th birthday of Stalin. On December 6, Mao Zedong set foot on the north train line, for the first time across the country. Mao Tse-tung attaches great importance to this trip to Moscow and made special studies on the birthday ceremony. What exactly sent a gift, folk legend has been an uproar. In the public file of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “Our country congratulates Stalin on its 70th birthday (letter of congratulation and gift list)” and opened the historical truth for us.