原发于乳突部的癌肿少见,作者经治1例,报道如下。 患者,女,36岁,因左耳后包块、疼痛4月余,X线拍片拟诊为左侧先天性原发性乳突胆脂瘤于1983年8月13日入院。既往史无特殊。一般情况良好,颈淋巴结不肿大,胸、腹部无异常发现。无脑神经受损表现。鼻腔、鼻咽、咽喉、外耳及双侧鼓膜均无异常,音叉检查正常。左耳后乳突部有5×4 cm大小椭圆形骨性隆起,表皮无红肿,有明
The primary cancer in the papillae is rare. The authors treated 1 case and reported as follows. The patient, female, 36 years old, was admitted to hospital on August 13, 1983 because of left mass behind the ear and pain for more than 4 months. The X-ray film was diagnosed as left congenital primary mastoid cholesteatoma. No special past history. It is generally in good condition. The lymph nodes of the neck are not swollen and no abnormalities are found in the chest and abdomen. No brain damage performance. There were no abnormalities in the nasal cavity, nasopharyngeal, throat, outer ear, and bilateral tympanic membrane. The tuning fork was normal. The posterior mastoid part has a 5 × 4 cm oval-shaped bony prominence, and the epidermis is not swollen.