20 0 0年 8月 2日 ,美国亚利桑那州菲尼克斯市一处仓库发生火灾 ,大火至次日晚 9时才被扑灭 ,造成了超过 1亿美元的直接财产损失 [1] ,虽然火灾原因至今未查明 ,但是 ,火灾迅速蔓延和发展并造成重大损失的原因却很明显 ,即仓库内存放的游泳池消毒剂与性质相抵触的化学品混存 ,
On August 2, 2000, a fire broke out at a warehouse in Phoenix, Arizona, United States. The fire was extinguished by 9 pm the next day, causing over $ 100 million in direct property damage [1], although the cause of the fire has so far failed However, the reason for the rapid spread and development of the fire and its significant losses is obvious. Pool disinfectants stored in warehouses are mixed with chemicals of a nature that is incompatible with nature.