全世界都知道路易·威登最著名的Monogram,但是没有人知道这个图案的来历。一提到路易·威登(大部分人说LV,一副跟Louis Vuitton特别熟的样子)浮现在人们脑海中的就是那个硕大的棕色Monogram(意思是交织字母)手袋。如今monogram被抄袭得满大街都是,出现频率已经泛滥到了遭人厌恶的地步,其实不止是今天仿冒品四处可见,早在创业之初,因为路易·威登的知名度,仿冒问题就一直是如影随形。
The world knows Louis Vuitton’s most famous Monogram, but no one knows the origin of this pattern. One mention of Louis Vuitton (most people say that Louis Vuitton, Louis Vuitton is a special familiar appearance) emerged in the minds of that huge brown Monogram (meaning intertwined letters) handbags. Now that the monogram has been plagiarized with full streets, the frequency has been flooded to the point where people are disgusted. Actually, counterfeit goods are not only seen everywhere today. As early as the beginning of the venture, because of the popularity of Louis Vuitton, the problem of counterfeiting has always been the same. .