2014年12月16日,2014年中国最具影响力学术期刊暨中国学术期刊国际、国内引证报告发布会在京举行,《统计与信息论坛》继入选“2013中国国际影响力优秀学术期刊”后,今年再次入选该榜单。中国学术文献国际评价研究中心从2012年开始对我国学术期刊的国际影响力进行评价研究。该中心以美国汤森路透Web of Science收录的12 000余种期刊为引文统计源,采用国际影响力综合评价指标CI对中国期刊进行排序,将排序前10%的期刊评定为“中国最具国际影响力学术期刊”。
December 16, 2014, 2014 China’s most influential academic journals and academic journals in China international and domestic citation report conference was held in Beijing, “Statistics and Information Forum” following the selection of “2013 China international academic journals After this year, re-selected the list. The International Academic Research Center of Chinese Academic Documentation began to evaluate the international influence of academic journals in China from 2012 onwards. Based on the citations of more than 12,000 journals collected by the Thomson Reuters Web of Science, this center ranked China journals by using the CI, a comprehensive index of international influence, and rated the top 10% journals as ”the most International Impact Academic Journals ".