在前几年发现的视交叉上核(SCN)及其联系对一些生理节律具有控制性作用,这些节律不仅来自松果体而且也来自独立于松果体之外的下丘脑。视交叉上核紧贴于视交叉上方中线两侧。大多数动物仅轻微地凹入视交叉之上,而其他的动物如鼠、地仓鼠的 SCN 却嵌入视交叉内.此核被包括于下丘脑的咀侧部,核团由细小的神经元组成。冷血脊椎动物、鸟类以及哺乳动物(鼠、猫及人)的 SCN均易于辨认。
The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and its associations found in previous years have been shown to be central to some circadian rhythms, not only from the pineal gland but also from the hypothalamus independent of the pineal gland. The suprachiasmatic nucleus clings to both sides of the midline above the optic chiasm. Most animals are only slightly recessed above the optic chiasm, while SCNs of other animals, such as murine and hamsters, are embedded in the optic chiasm.The nucleus is included in the lateral part of the hypothalamus and the nucleus consists of small neurons . Cold-blooded vertebrates, birds and mammalian (mouse, cat and human) SCN are easy to identify.