We have established a dynamic model of seismicity in which the fault is buried in an infinite, continuous elastic medium. Therefore, the model fully considers the influence of the energy dissipated by the seismic wave on the progress of the model seismic sequence. In this model, the friction drop at break occurs gradually, thus introducing a relaxation scale. As an example, let us consider a finite homogeneous fault whose ends are defined by infinite strong obstacles and the stress reflected from the unbreakable barriers controls seismicity characteristics. Seismicity images strongly depend on the ratio of the relaxation scale to the distance between the end barriers. When this parameter is very large, we find that the periodicity appears after a short period of time, and the large-scale earthquake that runs through the fault from head to head controls the statistical distribution. When this parameter is small, small-scale seismicity is distributed between major earthquakes and no periodicity is seen within the computational time involved. We conclude that the insurmountable inhomogeneities such as the obstacle (we assume it is formed in nature due to the uneven geometric structure of the fault) in the dynamic process model of seismicity not only cause complexities in seismicity The processes, but also the most important factors in generating the complex features of a single seismic source time function.