Haiku by Hatsune,隐泉之语,与这家餐厅的情缘,归功于前不久的2014上海葡萄酒周活动。就在201 4上海餐厅周刚落幕不久,新一轮的葡萄酒周活动又开始了。和餐厅周活动的主旨有些相似,根据主办方介绍,葡萄酒周活动,也是旨在拉近平日或许遥不可级的顶级餐厅酒吧与美食爱好者之间的距离,让更多消费者可以高性价比的价格,品尝到这些餐厅提供的美食美酒,也希望能够为所有的美食美酒爱好者提供更
Haiku by Hatsune, Hidden Spring Language, Love with this restaurant, thanks to the recent 2014 Shanghai Wine Week. Just in 201 4 Shanghai restaurant week ended shortly after a new round of wine week activities began again. In keeping with the theme of the restaurant week, according to the organizers, the Wine Week is also designed to bridge the gap between top-tier restaurant bars and food lovers, which may or may not be available on weekdays, so that more consumers can cost-effectively Prices, taste the food and wine served in these restaurants, but also hope to provide more for all food and wine lovers more