药用植物是我国中药的主体,古代书籍所载已逾3 0 0 0种,经目前整理高达80 0 0种。这些宝贵资源的开发与有效利用,已有很悠久的历史,是我国中医药学发展的物质基础,也是我国灿烂文化、悠久历史的结晶。日照沿海地区地形复杂多样、气候温和湿润、四季分明、水资源丰富、植被覆盖
Medicinal plants are the main body of Chinese traditional medicine. The ancient books contain more than 30,000 species, up to 80 0 0 at present. The development and effective use of these precious resources have a long history and are the material basis for the development of Chinese medicine in our country. They are also the crystallization of our splendid culture and long history. Coastal areas of the complex and diverse terrain, climate mild and humid, four seasons, abundant water resources, vegetation cover