College Students'Preferences to Teacher Written Feedback

来源 :北京电力高等专科学校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qinling88
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  摘要:This specific study intended to find out what types of teacher written feedback were mostly used by a hundred and fifty second-year English major students at Guizhou University. According to the main five types of teacher written feedback, a questionnaire was designed to find out what types of teacher written feedback the students preferred to receive. The results showed that End Commentary came first on the list, followed by Verbal cue, Direct correction, Error location, and Marginal commentary, respectively. The research findings raised a few implications for English writing instruction in the similar tertiary context.
  关键词:Preferences;Teacher Written Feedback;EFL Writing
  中图分类号:H31 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-0118(2011)-08-0-02
  Many research studies on student attitude towards teacher written feedback conclude that the students “value teacher feedback on their errors and think that it helps them improve their writing”(Cohen, 1987; Cohen & Cavalcant, 1990; Ferris, 1995; Ferris & Roberts, 2001; Leki, 1991; Radecki & Swales, 1988). Ferris (1995) reports that students pay the most attention to feedback on grammar, content and organization. To some extent, teacher written feedback in L2 writing is necessary and helpful in the students' revised drafts (Fathman and Whalley, 1990; Ferris, 1995; Polio, Fleck, & Leder, 1998; Lalande, 1982; Chandler, 2003). That is to say, if the student writers act upon the given comments, it can help them improve their writing ability in the long run (Ferris, 1999). Whether students’ errors should be corrected may not, however, depends entirely on their preferences although satisfaction of their perceived need may be important for a positive attitude (Ferris, 2002).
  2.Research question
  The specific research intends to find out what types of teacher written feedback the students mostly preferred to apply in their revisions of writing. As a result, the research question was raised: What types of teacher written feedback do English major students prefer to apply in their writing revisions?
  3.Instrument, data collection and analysis
  A questionnaire was constructed to ask 150 second-year English major students to express their “Like” or “Dislike” to the main five types of written feedback which were categorized from 864 pieces of students' writing drafts with their teacher written feedback on them (Jun, W., 2010). Finally, 108 copies of students' questionnaire were qualified to be collected. Then, a semi-structured interview was carried out among 16 students (8 from High Group while the rest from the Low Group according to their academic performances) so that the findings could get more information to support the findings from the questionnaire in a different aspect. The semi-structure interviews were tape-recorded, transcribed verbatim and the transcriptions were analyzed through content analysis.
  4.Results and discussions
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